One business serving one’s business

1B LTD | Registered in England 08005371 | Registered office: 1B Sunnyhill Road, London, SW16 2UG

Legal Stuff

Our web site and all our services are subject to our terms and conditions, available on request.

This web site does not use cookies and does not record personal information. Our privacy policy is available on request.

© 1B LTD All content is the property and copyright of 1B LTD unless otherwise noted - all rights are reserved.

Our content is believed to be correct at time of writing, but we cannot accept any responsibility for any errors or omissions. All dimensions are approximate. Please let us know of any problems.

Content belonging to others is used with permission/acknowledgement. We are not responsible for the content of external web sites.

The 1B brand, including but not limited to all forms of 1B and/or OneB (with or without spacing, and in any combination of upper and lower case), the logo, type-face, colours etc are trademarks of 1B LTD.

The MPS brand and trademarks are used under licence.


We are not related to any former company known as 1B LTD
